Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy Caturday

I always tease Ian that he spoils our pets. It's so hard for him not to give them what they want. It's kind of cute how sweet he is with them, but it has led to some not so sweet consequences.  A good example of this is that one day Ian decided it would be nice to give Jack a little spoonful of half and half while he was making coffee in the morning.  A year later, this little bit of half and half is no longer a special treat for Jack, but something he feels he rightfully deserves each morning. As soon as Jack smells even a hint of coffee he races into the kitchen and starts pacing around. If Ian's not quick with the half and half, Jack starts meowing just like the little guy in the video. I can even hear him upstairs while I'm getting ready for work and they are downstairs in the kitchen. When Lola wants something badly enough to meow for it, the meow is so sweet and polite as if she's saying, "If it's not too much of a bother I would really appreciate if you could help me out with...". Not Jack! His meows sound more like "GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!"  Ian has definitely created a little morning monster (he has two on his hands now, since I'm the same way with my coffee ;).

1 comment:

  1. Small price to pay for those cuties :) This video makes me want a kitten SO bad!
