Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Month in Photos: March 2014

Well March was a busy one for us. Ian took his MBA class to Ireland for a week and rather than stay home alone with a baby, Gussie and I flew down to Albuquerque to visit Ian's folks. Gussie had her 6 month (!) check up and we've been working on a couple of minor projects around the house. Later in the month we had a visit from our friends Brent and Hilary and their two girls, spent a day at the beach and tried to enjoy the nice spring weather as much as possible.  

Spring has sprung in the PNW! 
Ian and his students at Guinness.
Beautiful sunrise over Mt. Hood viewed from the plane on our way to ABQ.
Reading the morning papers with Grandma.
 At the Albuquerque Museum where Amy is a docent.

 ...and after.
 Snuggles with Grandma Linda and Grandpa Larry
 Bunny socks! P.S. These socks are by Robeez and are totally great, they stay on Gussie's feet much better than a lot of other brands.

 Blue and blue.
At Cannon Beach.
 Feel Uncle Daniel's scratchy beard :).
 My gardening buddy.
 With Grandpa Bob.
 Out for a hike.

 Jack's tail is ridiculous. So.much.hair.
I couldn't resist adding one more of Jack.
 Lute has realized delicious things get dropped from this seat.

 Silliness I.
 Silliness II.
Silliness III.

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