Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Month in Photos: April 2014

April is over already?!?!?! We had a lovely visit from Ian's parents, took a quick trip down to Eugene, enjoyed some Easter festivities, and are attempting to get our outdoor spaces up to scratch. That's about it for the month! Sorry Lute and Ian, you guys got the short end of the stick again this month.

 Some sweet little Columbines from the garden.
 About as close as Lola and Jack get to cuddling.
 Our Dogwood in all its glory.
 Gussie's Easter dress. Thanks Cal!
 Enjoying Aunt Whitney and Uncle Andrew's sheepskin rug.
 Someone was pretty excited to be getting attention from two sets of grandparents on the same day!
 I baked this tiramisu cake for Amy's birthday and it was pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

 Dignity, Lola, dignity.
 Augusta and I are taking a Music Together class and she LOVES IT. Thank you Grandma Amy!
 My friend Robin and I saw Ellie Goulding at the Arlene Schnitzer concert hall. Such a pretty building and so fun to have a girls night!
 Lola is my morning snuggle buddy.

Ian took Augusta on an early morning tour of campus.

This baby is hard to impress.
Romping in the backyard.
 Saying hello.
 Ian broke the shovel on its first use of the year...
 Feeling left out of family yard work on the front lawn.

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