Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Month in Photos: April 2014

April is over already?!?!?! We had a lovely visit from Ian's parents, took a quick trip down to Eugene, enjoyed some Easter festivities, and are attempting to get our outdoor spaces up to scratch. That's about it for the month! Sorry Lute and Ian, you guys got the short end of the stick again this month.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Recipe Round Up

Love this print by Jane Mount. Available on the relaunched 20x200 site.

I realize it's been ages since I've posted any recipes to the blog. With Gussie around we're lucky to eat our meals while they're hot/in one sitting and I just haven't had the time to photograph meals before hand or test recipes. That being said, we are eating most of our meals at home these days and doing plenty of cooking. Here are a few new dishes we've tried:

This is a great snack for kids and adults!

My new favorite cookie.

A hearty salad.

A great variation on one of our favorite lunches, avocado toast.

As healthy as a cheesy casserole can get.

The perfect side dish for a Mediterranean meal.

Summer cocktail.

Super easy dessert.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Our Dogwood Tree

One of my favorite things about our house is the beautiful dogwood tree in our front yard. It's especially gorgeous this time of year, decked out in bright pink blossoms. In the evenings, the setting sun filters through the tree emblazoning the blossoms and casting the warmest light into our living room. It's heaven.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Favorite Part of the Day

So, Gussie is still not sleeping through the night (it's a good night if she only wakes up twice). Because of this, Ian takes her in the mornings so I can snag a couple more hours of sleep. Once I do wake up and come downstairs this is how Augusta reacts. It sure makes me feel special and loved! I never thought that I'd actually enjoy waking up. It's amazing what having a kid does to you ;).

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fun and Easy Ponytail

I don't know about you other ladies out there, but I've always found it surprisingly difficult to make a ponytail look cute (mine always end up limp and unflattering).  I was excited to find and test (selfies below ;) this simple technique for a bouncy ponytail. View the tutorial here.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Month in Photos: March 2014

Well March was a busy one for us. Ian took his MBA class to Ireland for a week and rather than stay home alone with a baby, Gussie and I flew down to Albuquerque to visit Ian's folks. Gussie had her 6 month (!) check up and we've been working on a couple of minor projects around the house. Later in the month we had a visit from our friends Brent and Hilary and their two girls, spent a day at the beach and tried to enjoy the nice spring weather as much as possible.