Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is it the weekend yet?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling a bit like this meerkat today. Thank goodness it's almost the weekend.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Happy Caturday!

 Paul George, Paulette and the Cat, 1983, oil on canvas

(Apologies for the not so excellent photo quality. I snap the picture with my iphone at the Portland Art Museum)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Oceanside Getaway

This past weekend our friends the Holloways invited us out to their beach house with them.  We only stayed for one night, but it was such a nice break from our normal routine. The weather was super stormy the day we arrived, so besides a quick run to the local brewery for lunch, we stayed comfy cozy inside. 
The benefit of the bad weather was a beautiful sunset. 

Gussie is starting to become so social. She loved watching the girls play and had some of her biggest belly laughs to date. The girls were so sweet with her, bringing her different toys to play with and always being gentle.  It's nice to think of them growing up together and sharing lots of memories.

I love how adorable Sasha is in this photo! She looks so proud of herself for holding Gussie.
Thanks for a great weekend Holloways!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pets on Furniture

Every year, Modernica (a modern furniture manufacturer in Los Angeles) hosts the contest Pets on Furniture where you can submit a photo of your pet on, you guessed it, furniture for a chance to win one of Modernica's great pieces.  We entered the above photo of Jack. There are lots of great entries this year, including Andrew and Whitney's cat, Butters.

Check out the submissions and vote for your favorite here!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Another Bird Post

I know I just posted about birds yesterday, but I had to share these photos I snapped of a little hummingbird. Isn't he cute!? I was taking pictures of the ice-coated plants in our yard and only noticed the guy when he started moving around. What a treat!

Augusta Jean, Baby Model

I was taking some photos of Gussie the other day, and let me tell you, she's really upped her game. She was working the camera, framing her face with her hands, and looking like an all around baby model professional.  I think she's ready for the cover of Vogue ;).

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy Caturday (aka the greatest day in Jack's and Lola's lives)

Yesterday, our front yard was taken over by birds! We've never had so many at once! I think at one point Ian counted about 20 in the tree (mostly robins).  Maybe something to something to do with the snow? We have two trees in the yard, one is a Dogwood and I'm not sure what the other one is, but it has little black berries that the birds have been eating. I think with the snow cover the birds were have trouble finding other food options, so they decided to stick close to the berry tree?  Anyway, it provided all day entertainment for the whole family, but especially the cats.

  We even had a few exotic birds. Several cedar waxwings (so pretty!)...

...And a varied thrush
I wonder if they'll be back tomorrow?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Francis Bacon "Three Studies of Lucien Freud"

Last November, Francis Bacon's triptych "Three Studies of Lucien Freud," became the most expensive painting to sell at auction, ever. The painting was purchased anonymously and about a month after the sale, the Portland Art Museum made the surprising announcement that it would have the work on view through March 30th.  Ian and I had been meaning to go see it for weeks and finally got around to it while Ian's mom was in town. Close friends, Lucien Freud and Francis Bacon are among the preeminent painters of the 20th century. "Three Studies of Lucien Freud," is typical of Bacon's work: a lone, emotionally charged, figure set on a flat and abstracted background. The figure is rendered almost grotesque with expressive brushwork and palette. It is a work that hits you immediately with its intensity, but takes a while to sink in (I'm still trying to process it). I recommend a thoughtful piece written by the museum's director of education and public programs about how to engage with "Three Studies of Lucien Freud" and other masterpieces.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sochi Fails

Have you guys seen the live tweets from journalists arriving in Sochi for the winter games? Yikes! Pretty outrageous that the Olympics are being held there for so many reasons. I just hope nothing too disastrous happens...

Thanks Ian, for passing along this link!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Caturday!

We were out for a family walk around our neighborhood and noticed this little cat keeping a close eye on us. Can you spot him?