Saturday, February 8, 2014

Happy Caturday (aka the greatest day in Jack's and Lola's lives)

Yesterday, our front yard was taken over by birds! We've never had so many at once! I think at one point Ian counted about 20 in the tree (mostly robins).  Maybe something to something to do with the snow? We have two trees in the yard, one is a Dogwood and I'm not sure what the other one is, but it has little black berries that the birds have been eating. I think with the snow cover the birds were have trouble finding other food options, so they decided to stick close to the berry tree?  Anyway, it provided all day entertainment for the whole family, but especially the cats.

  We even had a few exotic birds. Several cedar waxwings (so pretty!)...

...And a varied thrush
I wonder if they'll be back tomorrow?


  1. Such fat little robins! Did you Photoshop them to look that way? Loved the other birdies, too. And Jack and Lola, of course. Happy cats.

  2. No Photoshop! They are just puffed out to keep warm I think.
