Friday, February 21, 2014

Oceanside Getaway

This past weekend our friends the Holloways invited us out to their beach house with them.  We only stayed for one night, but it was such a nice break from our normal routine. The weather was super stormy the day we arrived, so besides a quick run to the local brewery for lunch, we stayed comfy cozy inside. 
The benefit of the bad weather was a beautiful sunset. 

Gussie is starting to become so social. She loved watching the girls play and had some of her biggest belly laughs to date. The girls were so sweet with her, bringing her different toys to play with and always being gentle.  It's nice to think of them growing up together and sharing lots of memories.

I love how adorable Sasha is in this photo! She looks so proud of herself for holding Gussie.
Thanks for a great weekend Holloways!

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