Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Month in Photos

Happy Halloween everyone!  October has been a gorgeous month here in Portland, mild and mostly sunny. Gussie had her two month check up yesterday. She weighed in at 9 lbs 11 oz and was 23 1/2 inches tall which translates to 15th percentile in weight and 85th percentile in height, so she is long and lean! Hopefully she'll start plumping up soon. Enjoy our month in photos!

 Fall foliage in the Pearl District.

Cat pajamas!

  I've been doing some baking now that the weather has gotten a bit cooler.

 A couple weeks ago I spent the day gallery sitting at the non-profit Disjecta. It was nice to be back in a gallery!

 The courtyard at Disjecta.



 Michael Graves's Portland Building for all of you Postmodern Architecture fans.

 Enjoying story time with Grandma!

 Kenton Park

 It's not all smiles around here.

 Baby toes!

 Ian's mini-me.


 Yummy treats.

 Hiking in Forest Park.

 Gussie's best friend, Mr. Snow Owl.

 All four of my babies.



 Morning sunshine.



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fall Vegetable Hash

The other day I was cruising around the interwebs and stumbled across a vegetable hash recipe. I thought to myself, "Huh, that looks pretty good and easy" and was then distracted by something (probably a crying baby) and forgot to save the link. I no longer have a clue as to where I saw the recipe so apologies in advance to whomever I'm ripping off.  Here's my version:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Chop whatever fall veggies you like (I chose carrots, parsnips, butternut squash, brussel sprouts, mushrooms, and onions) so they are all a similar size about one to one and a half inches. Place on a foil lined baking sheet and drizzle generously with olive oil until veggies are coated. Add salt and pepper.  Place in oven and roast for about 30 minutes or until veggies are cooked through and begin to turn golden brown.  

Meanwhile, saute half an onion until translucent then add half a pound of sausage to the pan. Cook through and toss the cooked veggies in the pan and give it a couple of stirs. Turn the heat to low. In another pan fry an egg over easy. Plate the veggie/sausage mix and place egg on top. Bon appetit!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


There's nothing like a cup of hot cocoa to make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

Monday, October 28, 2013

For Your Monday

Image source.

This one is for you, Brian Williams (and the rest of you Hermosa Industry guys).

Love this design idea. Via Apartment 34

I kinda feel bad that this made me laugh.

Ever wonder who made the coffee cup lid?

Any artists out there planning a trip to Stockholm? You should give this deal a try if you are!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Art Fix

Image source.
Cy Twombly, Autumn, 1993-4. (Part of The Four Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


This book was released today and I am so excited! Check out the blog here and watch this ABC News feature about the project. I've already ordered my copy :).

Monday, October 14, 2013

For Your Monday

Image source.

Game of Thrones ladies as Art Nouveau goddesses

A short history of the highrise. So cool! Have fun exploring the interactive video!

Ferragamo's Walking Stories.


Who can say no to a sneezing animals mashup?

Waking Up is Hard to Do

One of the many reasons why I love Ian is because ever since Lute was a puppy he has always taken him for a morning walk (and usually the afternoon walk too, if I'm being honest), leaving me to sleep in just a little bit longer.  Lute's morning walk now includes Gussie and I get an hour or two of uninterrupted sleep most mornings, heaven! BUT this morning I was on walk duty because Ian left well before the crack of dawn to go salmon fishing with my grandfather at the coast. Not awesome. But hey, Lute only made me almost tip the stroller over once, not bad right? I'm pretty sure Gussie and I shared the same expression for most of the walk. Apparently she's not a morning person either. Thank you Ian for giving me my morning snooze time! I promise not to take it for granted!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Art Fix

Paul Signac, The Papal Palace, Avignon, 1900. Image source.
Paul Signac's paintings always make me want to take a vacation and visit the beautiful locales he depicts!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Fun

On Friday, Ian and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and loaded Gussie up for her first trip to the pumpkin patch. As I mentioned in a previous post, I love fall. I mean I really love it. And going to the pumpkin patch kinda feels like Christmas morning to me. We drove out to Sauvie Island (which has always felt like a magical, Shire-esque place to me) and visited the Big Red Barn farm complete with corn maze, barnyard animals, market, caramel apples, and a hayride. It was a perfect fall day!

Flowers in the you-cut garden.

Sweet baby pheasants

A four-legged friend joined us for the hayride.

 Ian being a good sport.

I can't believe that grain silo (or whatever it is) is there ruining my money shot of Mt. Hood. Grrr!

Mt. St. Helens.

GIANT cabbage.

Family selfie with pumpkin.