Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nursery Updates

We are making progress on the nursery! Here's a shot of the room before we made any changes. So bland!!!!

Finding the right paint color proved harder than I thought. I was originally hoping for a blue-ish (rather than green-ish) aqua, but couldn't find any that I liked. The blue aquas were either way too dark/saturated or just looked like baby blue which I wanted to avoid. After testing out several paint samples, I still wasn't happy with any of them and ending up creating a custom blend. It definitely has a bit of a mint tinge to it, but it's both bright and soothing which is just what I wanted. 

Aunt Whitney and Uncle Andrew came over to help us paint and we had the whole room painted in just a couple hours. Thanks guys!!!

The sum total of our nursery furniture so far...

The other side of the room:

I've found some curtains from Anthropologie that I love! I think I've narrowed it down to the Ratio Curtain (on the left) and the Dahlia Stripe Curtain (on the right):

At this point I'm leaning towards the Dahlia Stripe, but maybe it's too much color??? If I decide I want something more subdued I'll go with the Ratio.

I'm also planning to pick up some knobs for the changing table from Anthropologie. There are so many cute options! Here are some of my favorites:

I'm so happy the nursery is painted and I can start decorating and prepping for baby in earnest.


  1. Love it. Poor Lute, out in the hall with that "left out" look on his face.

  2. Beautiful photos! Looks like the nursery is really coming along. Good eye, Linda! I didn't even notice him (for once).

  3. Ha. Yes, he was a bit sulky about being left out.

  4. That ottoman is fabulous! You'll get a lot of use out of it too! Loving everything, and can't wait to see the finished room, and your little girl!
