Thursday, July 11, 2013

Living Room Before and After

Hello! I wanted to share a few before/after pictures of our living room. So far it's the most "finished" space in the house....

Here are the before shots:

And here are the "after" shots:

For the most part Ian and I didn't buy any new items for this space (the exceptions are the small wooden chair to the left of the entertainment center which we found at a second hand store, the vertical bookcase behind the red chair, the small lamp on the white bookcase behind the couch and the potted plants).   The entertainment center, couch and coffee table are the exact same setup we had in DC.  The rug used to be in our bedroom in DC, but since we have carpeting in the new bedroom we thought we use the rug down here. We'll see how long the white rug lasts with a baby... and Lute..
The white bookcases used to be in a study area off the living room in DC, but seemed to fit the new space perfectly. And finally, the mirror behind the couch used to be in the dining room. It's been fun and challenging to try and rework our existing furniture in the new house. Somethings have worked out really well and others not so much. While the living room is almost complete, it still needs a few finishing touches. First we have to get some real window treatments, the sheer Ikea shades just aren't cutting it. Also we need to hang/purchase some more art for the space (and the rest of the house), but that will likely be a long term process.  For now we're just going to enjoy it :)

My mom made the patterned pillows for us. Thanks Mom!

I can't decide if we need one more potted plant to round out this space? Or maybe a fun rug to go under the chair and pots??? I feel like this space is missing something... Any suggestions?

This little brass quail family was a Goodwill find.  Did you know that Goodwill has online auctions?

We got this gorgeous bouquet at the farmer's market for a steal! I love having fresh flowers in the house, they just make any space feel so cheery!

More pictures to come as we complete/update spaces.


  1. Nothing like fresh flowers. Nice get!
    For your plant corner, what about a tall, skinny third pot or a colorful cushion for the chair? The third pot could have some simple branches instead of a plant.
    What a beautiful space! I need to call you to assist at my house.

    1. Thanks Janell! Great ideas! I especially like the idea of a cushion for the chair because I feel like the space looks a bit spare and needs to be cozied up.

  2. I love your house and want it to be my Trianon! (Nope, not planning to move in.)

    Mm, hmm, what Janell said (branches or a chair cushion). The addition for the plant corner could be texture-y, since the wood floor, wooden chair and plant pots are all smooth. Something pebbled, or rough, or spiny, or . . .

    1. Totally agree that we need some new textures. Thanks Mom :)
