Saturday, March 29, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Belated Caturday

I was out for a walk with Gussie and Lute and came home to this:
It looks like Jack was plotting something sinister.
 PS. Don't you just love his chubby front legs?!? They crack me up.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Portland 2014

Hey folks! I wanted to share that Portland 2014 is opening tonight! Portland 2014 is biennial hosted by Disjecta (where I've been volunteering). This past Monday I helped them prep and install some work and it looks like an ambitious program. The biennial will run for several weeks so there's plenty of time to check it out.  For more info click here.

Happy Caturday!

The wiggly ears on this little kitten are beyond adorable. Thanks for passing along the link Courtney!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Cathedral Park

We just discovered Cathedral Park! Okay, that's not entirely true, Ian went a few months ago and has been telling me we should make a little family trip there ever since. I'm so glad we did! Situated under the St. Johns Bridge, the park runs right along the river and offers some spectacular views of the bridge. The park is also believed to be a landing site of the Lewis and Clark expedition, so history. As an added bonus, once you're done frolicking in the park you can walk to Occidental Brewing Co. (just across the street from the park) for a tasty pint of craft beer. What's better than that?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gussie's First Solids

Last week we introduced Gussie's first solids. We started with some rice cereal and have now added pureed sweet potato. So far the experience has been mixed, the first two feedings were awesome and she chowed down like nobody's business, but the last few have ended in hysterical meltdowns. 

In related news, I thought this post about real food for babies was really interesting. I think we'll be heading down that road soon.

If you want to see her in action, you can check out these two videos below. The first is of her very first bite of rice cereal and the next is of her trying sweet potato.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Month in Photos: February 2014

Our exciting news this month is that Gussie got her two bottom teeth and has started solids! (Can you tell that it hasn't been a very eventful month? ;)) But in all seriousness, it's been nice to have a slow and kind of boring month. February storms made up for the mild winter weather we've had so far and made staying inside  pretty appealing. Lots of hot tea and snuggling.

Happy Caturday!

Isn't this top cute!?! Hot pink polka dots AND a cat face, I just wish they made it in my size ;).