Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Month in Photos: February 2014

Our exciting news this month is that Gussie got her two bottom teeth and has started solids! (Can you tell that it hasn't been a very eventful month? ;)) But in all seriousness, it's been nice to have a slow and kind of boring month. February storms made up for the mild winter weather we've had so far and made staying inside  pretty appealing. Lots of hot tea and snuggling.
 Delicious Blue Star Donuts
 Baby girl love.
  We had the first real snowstorm of the year earlier in the month.
 Lute was happy as a clam.

 Jack gave the snow a brief try.
 An ice-coated tree and window.

 Not long after the snowstorm, we had a wind storm blow through, knocking down a few trees in our neighborhood.

 I love ranunculuses.
 Lute and Lola lovefest.
 My Valentine!
 An attempt to get Gussie to stay asleep (it didn't work).
 The Portland Print Fair.
 A cute souvenir from Mexico from Uncle Andrew and Aunt Whitney.
 Gussie doesn't seem to be a morning person either.
I can't believe Spring is just around the corner!

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