Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ian's Dream for Gussie

When Ian sent me an email with the subject line "My Dream for Gussie," I opened it expecting to find an inspiring article about how girls can achieve their dreams and grow into strong, independent women. I should have known better. Instead, I found this (admittedly adorable) video of a little girl who takes her soccer club very seriously. Ian hopes that one day Gussie will have the same feelings for the Timbers/Sounders.

The story on Deadspin (where Ian came across the clip) said of the video:

"Oh man. These Portuguese parents, who trolled their Benfica-supporting daughter by giving her a shirt from rival team Porto, will think twice before crossing their kid again. That ice grill she hits them with is something fierce.

For the uninitiated, Porto and Benfica have roughly the same relationship as the Yankees and the Red Sox. And you can tell this girl takes all of that super seriously, being moved to tears after opening only a corner of her present and seeing the blue and white. Luckily for the kid, who appears ready to move out of her parents house for the insult, she eventually got what she wanted."

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