Monday, September 30, 2013

The Month in Photos (aka lots of baby pictures)

Wow, the month of September has flown by. I can't believe Gussie is already one month old.  As the photos will show, we stuck pretty close to home this month and enjoyed being a family of three!


 Delicious plum crumble via the Wednesday Chef.

I love this picture of Gussie. She just looks so sweet!



Ina's Spanish Pea Soup with Prosciutto.




Lola making sure that I don't forget about her. (Hard to tell from the picture but Gussie is on my lap and somehow Lola managed to squeeze herself onto my lap too)

The proud grandmas.

Parkman family photo :)

Go Pilots!

These little libraries are so great.

We've been making lots of trips to our neighborhood coffee shop.

She's working on her smile.

Enjoying some romantic candlelight thanks to a power outage.

Gussie's first tailgate!

 Happy one month birthday Gussie!

For Your Monday

Image source

A beautiful photo diary of Lisbon.

A fresh take on subway tile.

This drinking game made me laugh

As someone who prefers to write in cursive, I found this debate interesting.

A museum of broken relationships.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy Caturday!

We're heading down to Eugene this morning for game day, so I thought a video of a cat and duck friendship was appropriate. Go Ducks!!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Art Fix

I first learned about sonic artist Mileece on the blog At Home At Home which is run by Laure Joliet who photographed Mileece at her home (a fabulously refurbished airstream trailer) for a feature in the New York Times.  Mileece creates music from the electromagnetic currents of plants (yes, really). I love how artists can come up with this stuff! Artistic creativity and ingenuity is so amazing.

Also tomorrow is Museum Day! Check here to see if your local museum is participating with free admission.

Monday, September 16, 2013

For Your Monday

Children reacting to a dragon being slain in a puppet show in Paris 1963. Image source.
Too funny.

I ordered this sweet little monogram for Augusta's nursery. Can't wait for it to arrive!

This looks delish.

Loving these fall looks from Anthropologie.

Oregon's 50 best wines.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Art Fix

Janet Cardiff, The Forty Part Motet, 2001

Ugh, while I'm so happy to be living on the west coast again, exhibitions like Janet Cardiff's The Forty Part Motet really make me wish I lived closer to New York. Cardiff is an installation artist working primarily with audio. Perhaps best known for audio walks her works explore continuities and discontinuities in time and space. Learn more about the project here (scroll down to listen to the excerpt).  If you happen to be in New York before December 8th, be sure to check it out for me!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy Caturday!

Image source
If you are a human with a pulse you've gotta love Lil Bub. Check out Vice's film Lil Bub and Friendz to see the heartwarming story of the internet's favorite cat.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Introducing Augusta Jean

Ian and I are very proud to introduce Augusta Jean Parkman. Augusta "Gussie" arrived one week ago today. Born at 8:06 am she weighed in at 7lbs 3oz and measured 20 inches long. We had a very quick labor (almost too quick if that's possible?).  I went from 2 centimeters dilated to giving birth in less than two hours.  I only had to push twice! The delivery was a bit chaotic because no one was expecting it to progress so quickly and the nurses had to rush to get things ready (not to mention my iv got pulled out and I was splurtting blood everywhere). Luckily my doctor was very calm and collected which was reassuring.  I did get an epidural but ended up giving birth before it had time to kick in so the doctor said he'd call it an all natural childbirth.  I can now understand how women end up having babies on the way to the hospital...

Gussie and I are both recovering very well. She is just as sweet as can be and we are having so much fun getting to know her!