Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ready or Not

Our last supper

41 weeks and still no baby.  At my last doctor's appointment on Monday we decided to schedule an induction for Friday morning if our little one hadn't arrived before then (I've learned it's standard practice to induce once you've hit 41 weeks to avoid potential complications for mother and baby). We actually have to check into the the hospital this evening so that I can get some meds and get the process started.  By about this time tomorrow we should be parents, which is both thrilling and terrifying.

Last night Ian and I went out for our last date night before becoming parents. On the way to the restaurant I started to feel a bit emotional about closing this chapter of our lives.  Scheduling the induction started this countdown for me of WHEN OUR LIVES WILL CHANGE FOREVER and I've been dwelling on it a bit too much this week. Of course I was aware of this countdown from the time we found out we were expecting, but I've been able to push it to the back of my mind for the most part and just go about my day to day life. But now D-day is tomorrow and to be honest, I'm panicking a little bit. Ian and I are so happy together as just a couple and we really like our life right now. It's nice to be selfish and sleep in and buy pretty things and have a clean house and go on trips and be spontaneous. How is a baby going to change all of that??? While I know a baby will bring us a lot of joy, it will also bring a whole lot of other crap with it which is scary.

The 41 week belly

I remember how before I met Ian, I was pretty iffy about the whole idea of marriage.  I couldn't really understand how by getting married, you weren't narrowing and limiting your life.  But when Ian and I started dating I realized how wrong I was. I realized that sharing your life with someone expands it, rather than contracts it (sappy, I know...) and I'm hoping the same is true when it comes to children. I'm sure that when we welcome this baby tomorrow, we'll be over the moon and all those things parents say about how it's worth it and kids are great and that you just can't understand it until you hold your baby in your arms for the first time will be true for us too. Right? Right?????

Anyway, this has been a fun 11th hour freakout, hasn't it?  Thanks for reading and wish us luck!!!!

I've scheduled a few of my regular blog posts for this coming week so keep checking in.


  1. Ahhhh, so exciting! I love how honest this post is! It's okay to freak out, but you and Ian are gonna be rockstar parents!

  2. You know how to do it! Just be yourself with your child and share with them your life experience. It is okay to make mistakes- we all do- just be honest with those around you. Love, be kind and grow with your family!
    I love you,

  3. Beautifully written Elizabeth! Wishing you guys all the best :).

  4. What a beautiful and honest post indeed! The arrival of your sweet baby girl is a whole new adventure but such a beautiful and equally as beautiful chapter in your and Ian's life together. Life will always be a balancing act of finding time for yourself and the ones you love around you; this new adventure is no exception but, without a doubt, you and Ian will do it beautifully! Congratulations!!!
