Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm Going Back Home to the West Coast

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As many of you already know, Ian and I are moving back to Oregon! Ian accepted an assistant professorship at the University of Portland, his dream job! In addition to landing a great job, we are looking forward to being closer to family and reconnecting with all of the great friends we have in the area. Portland is one of our favorite cities and we can't wait to put down roots there and make it our home.

While we are thrilled to be heading back to the West Coast, moving is bittersweet. We've truly enjoyed living in DC and I'm crushed to be leaving my job at the gallery. Ian and I moved east just a few weeks after we were married and we've started our lives together out here. Although we've missed Oregon, we are so grateful we had the opportunity to experience East Coast living.  I know we will look back on our stay out here as a very happy and precious time in our lives.

Since we learned we'd be moving I've had this song by Coconut Records floating around on repeat in my brain. Happily, I really like the song.

An interesting side note about Coconut Records is that it is a solo project by the actor Jason Schwartzman. Who knew?

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