Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

If you look really carefully you can see a werewolf (Lute) in the doorway!

I think our front steps look pretty ghoulish.   I wasn't up for the mess of carved pumpkins, but I think putting lighted tea lights near the pumpkins is just as festive.

As a black cat, I thought Halloween would be Lola's favorite holiday, but when I asked her, this is the response she gave me:

Lame joke, I know, but I've been dying to use this picture!

Jack decided to be a vampire...maybe this is why Lola doesn't like Halloween

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall Coziness

Well, Ian and I are both home from work again today due to Sandy. Although DC wasn't impacted too much by the storm (sending good thoughts to our neighbors to the north where things are much worse!), schools and city services like the metro were closed through today as a precaution, and most business have followed suit. After a quick trip to Georgetown to check on the gallery and get some fresh air, Ian and I have resumed being couch potatoes.  

Last spring, my friend Kathryn and I hit up some barn sales in Virginia. It was a fun day trip and we enjoyed hunting for treasures. While we ended up not coming home with much, I found a set of owl mugs that I fell in love with and had to bring home. I've been waiting for fall to arrive to pull them out and today seemed like the perfect day.  I made a pot of tea and some spice cake with whipped cream for an afternoon snack. 


I love how whimsical the design is and how each mug has three little scenes on it. Perfect for hot cider, cocoa, or tea. 

So cute! 

 Their new home on our bar.

A close up.

I recently stopped by Anthropologie to stock up on candles. I'm obsessed with their Capri Blue Jar, Volcano candle and picked up one of those, but stumbled across a new-to-me brand called Alexei. They had a few great fall scents to choose from, but I decided on "Fireside." One of the things I miss most about our home in Oregon is having a fireplace! This candle is about as close as I'm going to get to a log fire here in DC.

The Fireside candle making our home smell great!
(I just realized this picture looks like a shrine to Ian and I, ha!)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Surviving Sandy

Lute keeping an eye on the storm

Hurricane Sandy has rolled in and Ian, the menagerie and I are stuck inside at home all day (which I'm actually thrilled about).  So far the weather hasn't been too bad, just moderate rain and wind, but it's been fun to hunker down. I made some tasty butternut squash soup and have joined the cats in a couple of naps, they are excellent snuggle buddies!

Earlier this morning

Here are a few more photos of our fall so far:

  Cheering on the Ducks from the East Coast

Beautiful fall leaves in Colonial Williamsburg
 New Xavier Veilhan sculpture at the Phillips

The kitties chillin' in their favorite spot
 It looks like the storm is supposed to get worse this evening/night, so here's hoping we don't lose power of have any late night emergencies!