Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Augusta is 8 Months Old!

It's amazing that the first months of her life are already becoming hazy and I can't quite remember just how it felt to hold her when she was a newborn. I know that as time goes by, even more memories will start to fade. So... I wanted to jot down some of the things she is doing/enjoying right now for posterity's sake!  (Reader beware: the things listed below are likely of no interest to anyone but myself and the number of photos of Augusta is gratuitous). Here they are in no particular order:

Her favorite food is cottage cheese.
Her current favorite thing in the house is a little brass quail family that she can roll/scooch to when we are playing in the living room (she was completely enraptured by the cats for a few months, but that seems to have passed).
Augusta laying waste to the quail family (there are five babies she's knocked of the shelf).
She can wave, which is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. I haven't caught it on video yet, but will post it to the blog when I do.
When she wants to be picked up she reaches her arms up and opens and closes her hands (also very cute).
She's a pro at blowing raspberries and can blow them back at you on purpose.
When she gets excited, she holds her arms out straight and shakes her hands. Kind of like a wave, but not.
Her babbling is sounding more and more like talking rather than accidental noises.
When people first meet her they tend to comment on how blue her eyes are and how alert/attentive she is (when she was newborn people consistently commented on how nicely shaped her head was, which sounds super random, but was totally true! She had/has a great shaped head! I attribute it to my very quick labor).
She is starting to laugh more and more which is so fun! Before now, when she thought something was funny, she would let out this weird pterodactly* shriek, not the most enjoyable sound to hear... I much prefer her laughs. 
That being said, she is and has been a rather serious/contemplative baby.
She is trying so so hard to crawl and often is frustrated by the lack of results. I, on the other hand, am ecstatic and totally dreading the day she becomes mobile.

Augusta loves being read to. When I finish a book and put it down she squirms in my lap until she can reach the side table next to our reading chair and tries to grab the next book.
She is still on the thin side, but is starting to develop a belly and a hint of a double chin.
There's a million other details of course, but if I don't stop now I never will !;)  

Watching Augusta grow sure is bittersweet. It's so fun to see her personality develop and it makes me look forward to when she's walking and talking and becoming her very own person, but it makes me sad to think that she won't be my baby for much longer!

*Feeling embarrassed that I didn't know pterodactyl began with a "P" until just now. Please tell me I'm not the only one??

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