Saturday, June 29, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Garden Roses

These are the first roses cut from our garden! Ian and I didn't realize we even had a rosebush until a few days after we moved into the new place. Portland's nickname is the City of Roses and most of the rosebushes around the city were in full bloom about the time we moved, but our rosebush still had tightly shut buds. I wondered aloud to Ian about what color roses he thought we'd have and told him I hoped they'd be orangey-pink, my favorite.  Luckily we didn't have to wait too long to find out and can you imagine my delight when they actually were orangey-pink roses!!! I have to say it gave me a warm-fuzzy feeling about the house.

Monday, June 24, 2013

For Your Monday

My new doctor's office has a great view! Definitely helps the wait time in the reception area pass a little more quickly.

Ian's birthday is coming up at the end of the week. This pie looks easy and delicious so I think I'll give it a try for his party.  Via Design is Mine

The provenance of the Gutenberg Bible.

A Red Panda went missing from the National Zoo!!! Luckily he was recovered this morning.

What an awesome vertical garden

 I know this guy!!! What a great concept.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Caturday!

Image source
White Colunms, a New York based alternative art space recently opened what looks like a great exhibition called The Cat Show. Curated by Rhonda Lieberman the show features cat-centric work by over fifty artists as well as "cats in residence" that are available for adoption! What a great idea for a show!

Friday, June 21, 2013

...And We're Back!!!

Hey folks! Sorry for being MIA for so long!  I was planning to take a bit of time off from blogging during the move, but then we also had annoying internet connectivity issues both in DC and Portland the weeks before and after the move and that basically squelched all of my blogging attempts.
Happily, the move went pretty smoothly. Ian and Lute enjoyed their cross-country drive and Lola was a great flying partner. We closed on the house the day after Ian arrived and moved in right away... we felt a bit like squatters until the moving truck arrived a week later with all of our stuff...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting back into a regular blogging schedule. Ian and I have been working on a few small projects around the new house and I'm excited to share them on the blog. Slowly but surely the house is coming together and really starting to feel like home!